Saturday, November 6, 2010

Blade Running

After months of anticipation, seeking insurance approvals, going for fittings and taking cautious test flights indoors, I went for my first run in two years on Wednesday!

There was no pain and the motion felt extremely natural once I found my groove. It seems to be all about finding a rhythm.

I was very awkward at first, having a nearly uncontrollable pogo-stick springing motion off my left side and a resounding "thud" on my right (my real leg). I slowed my cadence and lengthened my stride, finding a more suitable pace. I settled in quickly and everything started to click!

What a great feeling!

My cardiovascular system is still in great shape but my running muscles are very weak. My hamstrings were tight and sore afterward so I'll start small and train up a bit but it's great to be back on the path.

It was a great achievement for my second Legadon.


  1. Amazing stuff mate, and I have to say I'm a little jealous as well ;)

    Out of interest, with your insurance, are you insured locally or elsewhere? I'm not aware of much support from the health insurers in Australia for prostheses, at least for above-knees. Might be different for below-knee amputees. It sounds stupid, but I've always wanted to know how it feels to really run, but I've never been able to. Well, you run, but it's more likely a fast hobble due to the nature of the above-knee prosthesis. My leg these days is certainly better than the legs I had growing up, but still, there's plenty of great tech out there.

    Keep it up mate!

  2. That's great. I'm curious about your comment about the hamstring. After nearly three years with my BKA, I still have hamstring problem in walking too long. Can't seem to find an exercise to help out with that. I lift 5lb weights with leg on, but I don't think that is helping enough. Any suggestions? Sometimes I think the 'torce' isn't right doing the exercise with leg on.

    I have no plans to run, just want to walk for an hour without discomfort while shopping.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. That is pretty awesome! Wish you all the best in your training.

  5. Congratulations on running again, you're an inspiration to your community.

