Friday, March 19, 2010


Today, March 19th, is my Leg-a-versary.

It's hard to believe it's only been one year since I received this leg. I still can't believe it took so long to get one but at least I can proudly say I put it to the test once I did. Here's a few photos from my leg's first year:


  1. Dude, seriously, it is time for a new leg. That POS is clearly holding you back.

    Jeez Louise. I'll be hard pressed to get the same set of amazing pics over my lifetime...

    Where was the bungee-like jump?

    Haha, the "captcha" before posting was "Skied". C'mon, where are the skiing pictures!?! Time for the skiing prosthesis.

  2. haha thanks Shaun, the bungee-like jump was off the top of Sky Tower in Auckland, New Zealand.

    As for skiing/snowboarding: not to worry, I haven't used up all my good ideas yet!

  3. I call it my ampuversary. LOL
    BTW: Mine is April 5, 2004
